Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's a Newborn Blog-a-thon!

I saw alot of newborns last week! It makes sense, since I saw alot of pregnant woman just a few months ago! :) Here they are in no particular order...

This is little Taro! A pretty chill little baby, this one... you wouldn't think so judging from that last shot, but I think that fuss lasted just a minute or two. I can't resist those little gums you see when newborns cry, it's just so precious. (I know, only a girl without children would say that, right?)

It was great to see Dax again, too... I was really touched that he remembered me and took to me as soon as he saw me. Kudos to brave mom Mylene who's sure to have her hands full once this new one starts chasing Dax around the house!

This here is little miss Clare, born to Natasha & Brent just a week ago! If you ask me, this little cookie loves being photographed as much as her mom did! :)

And this little number is Isabella, Amanda and Greg's little doll. I caught her on an off day so we'll be meeting again this week for a few more shots, but I had to post these... I just looooove this family shot below where dad's looking over at mom.

And finally, last but certainly not least, is this little cutie-patootey called Ilona. Usually I spend a session looking for quirky little expressions and faces, but Ilona stuck her tongue out at me during the entire shoot so instead of looking for faces, I was shooting between the faces she was making at me! It was so cute, I'd do it all over again.

I (heart) Shaan

It'd only been three months since I'd last seen Shaan, so I didn't realize how much I could miss him. I DID! He'd grown so much, and he grew the most fantastic head of hair to go with those amazing big eyes of his and is accumulating the most irresistible baby chub!

I adore working with Shaan, he's so expressive, and his mom is always really great at giving me these really great affectionate moments that are just eye candy. Here are just a few of my favorite shots from my session with Shaan...

Shooting the Gods

I met Godric and Godfrey not long ago for a maternity session. They were referred to me by Amanda & Greg, who told me that they refer to these two as "the Gods"; so when Godric and Godfrey are throwing a dinner party, how could Amanda & Greg not dine with the Gods? It's hilarious, I love it.

And I loved this couple, too, and their adorable little Charlotte who's one of the most affectionate and cuddliest dogs I've ever met. Here are a few of my favorite shots from this session.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Prettiest Belly

What can I tell you about Eliza that you won't already think when you look at her portraits and think "Wow..."? She was positively radiant! I met her and John just a few days ago and was smitten with this couple from the start. I have to admit, I have a weakness for maternity shoots with blondes. It's because I'm a light junkie, so when everything on my subject glows, including hair, I'm in heaven! Have a peek at these favorites of mine, I dare you not to "awe!" :)

And the award for Most Romantic Daddy goes to....

Jacen, hands down. The same dad who brought us this shot:

makes a comeback with this one:

I just have to tell Jacen where to be and let him be, and he gives me the sweetest most loving moments to shoot.

I've been seeing the Baxters since Ava was just a baby and I absolutely adore them... they're a beautiful family through and through, and I'm always moved by the images that come from our sessions together. Kudos to them and especially Katy for bringing me little baby Evy at just four days old! I know it's terribly difficult to plan a photography session so early in a baby's life but I think (and hope you'll agree when you see these images) that it's so, so worth it! The newborn stage of a baby's life is such a fleeting time, I believe it should be documented in a beautiful way. Here are my favorite moments from my session with one of my favorite families. Look at these kids... could they be happier??

Introducing Max!

In all his itty-bitty glory! Usually it takes a while to wait for a newborn to fall asleep during a session for a few of those angelic sleepy shots.. but Max wouldn't wake up! He came over out like a light, and a good half of the session was done with him dozed off. I can't complain, sleeping newborns always make for beautiful photography. Many parents are concerned about not seeing their baby's eyes when they're this young and tiny, but I think it'd be a shame to miss capturing this time in a baby's life over a detail that will change in time, anyway. I think newborn photography is about capturing the most precious and tiniest time in a baby's life, as well as capturing bonds that are so new and so charged with emotion.

I loved my session with Max and his parents. You know that sleep you get on a lazy Sunday, and you wake up and the stretch is just as delicious as the sleep itself? Newborns look like they get this sleep every time they go down... it's so beautiful.