Monday, August 27, 2007

The Difference Trust Makes

I had another afternoon at the beach today, this time with two little dolls named Dylan and Maeve with eyes bluer than the sea. (Well okay, more like Lake Ontario today... but were we at the sea, I do believe these eyes could compete!)

Sometimes it takes a little bit more for kids to warm up... I'm by no means a child-whisperer! But today I think is a great example of how things might be different when you come to me for your child portraiture, as opposed to most commercial studios. The time I invest in getting to know your children, and in letting them take the time to come out of their little shells is what really makes the difference. I don't think anyone who spends less than half an hour with a child can really get near the surface of who they are.

Here's a visual example of the difference between a Maeve that isn't quite yet trusting, and who, finally, is....

I'm looking for more than just a beautiful photograph of your child when I'm working. I'm looking for honesty, and truth... I don't ask your child to smile, I find ways to bring that smile out instead, and I'm sure to capture every little expression that comes along the way. I want them to enjoy their experience as much as I do, and I like to have them remember me as a friend.

Here are a few of my favorite photographs of Maeve and Dylan; enjoy your sneak peek, Alison!