Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Handsome Papa

I'm touched. I spent a day with my father who was visiting from Timmins this weekend and finally, for the first time, I really feel like I've captured my father perfectly. Here it is!

That's my Papa. So handsome.

A Cherry on Top

My week this week ended perfectly with a shoot with Anya. I met her parents when they were expecting her and met Anya for the first time when she was a newborn. It's hard not to speak Cliché this week with all of these babies coming back after a year, the fact is that time does fly! I had a quick scroll through my blog today while on this little blogging spree and sure enough, if I go back to about a year ago I see all these tiny little bee-bops that have come back around this month to show me how they've grown.

It's so special to watch families grow this way! Between her adorable little Gerber Baby curls and big brown eyes and that perfect porcelain olive skin of hers, Anya was a lovely little model. The perfect shot came as unexpectedly as most perfect shots do; we were all wrapped up and cleaning up when we turned to see Anya holding her fur-sister's leash... and snap! I've got a new favorite!

Little Sack'o'Sugar

My session with Micaela I think lasted a little over half an hour. What could I do? She came in like a little storm of giggles and every shot was gold, if I'd have kept going, I would have wound up with much too many portraits and would have killed Paula when she comes over to choose her favorites! And I am not in the business of making moms' lives difficult. :)

It was of course a treat to photograph this little cookie. Take a look at just a few of my favorites... it wasn't easy to choose!

Pink Perfection

I had a week not long ago where I think I photographed a newborn every other day. I was really missing that this week, and lucky for me, that's when this little gem came along...

And lucky for me, she brought her big brother Spencer. :)

The Atkinsons

Once in a while there's a breed of family that comes along makes me sigh and think "That's the kind of family I'm going to have." Lindsey's family is one of them.

Lindsey and Michael have this special relationship with their kids where you can tell they're not just crazy about them because they're their children, but they also really dig them because they're interesting little people. There's just a little less coo-ing and babying and more honesty and openness, and that really moves me, and of course, is lovely on camera.

Oh... and they're also awesome because they are one of a mere handful of couples in the past few years (!!) that have asked me to photograph them on their own without their kids. Hooray for love.

My Favorite Baby-Chub Shot

This is it! I've just got my new favorite baby-chub shot ever, thanks to Elias!

The last time I saw Elias he was just a lil' wee newborn, I can't believe how time has flown and how he's grown! One thing's for sure, I didn't have to work hard to make him smile. Have a peek at these... they're so much fun. I really love that window shot of Elias taking a few clumsy steps forward with the help of Priscilla. What an exciting time in a parent's life to watch their child filled with all that pride and bravery!

Spoiled Rotten

This week was one of my busiest weeks of the summer, all work and no play for me. But when things are slow or lonely for me on the personal front, I feel really lucky to do what I do because it keeps me smiling. I'll never take that for granted.

I was really very spoiled with a slew of gorgeous babies this week. One of them was Renée, who totally killed me with her smirky smile and that single bottom tooth she just got. I see baby teeth all the time but somehow I guess I only see them where there's two or more; there's something about that single tooth that I couldn't resist. I think it made me think of the babies you see in cartoons.

My session with Renée was easy peasy, and so much fun... have a peek at a few of my favorites.

I know I commonly do this mom window shot, but they all feel so different when I look at them because they portray different people who each have a unique connection. I love absolutely everything about this shot; the little backwards kick Renée has got going on, the little tongue-smirk she's giving me while she's owning the shot, the way her little hands are both in Valerie's hair and over Valerie's brow, and Valerie especially for that almost kiss that's not really a kiss, and this hug that takes a hug to a whole 'nother level; it's the kind of hug only a parent can give where you can tell it's not just the giving of love, but where they are so smitten with their child that they breathe them in when they're that close to them. It's a gorgeous thing to see.

Handsomely Expecting

I met a very handsome couple the other day expecting what I'm sure will be a very handsome baby I'm going to swoon over when they come back for their newborn session.

And guess what? I've got proof... :)