Sunday, August 24, 2008

Winning Sally

I often get asked why I chose to work with children and for me it's a no-brainer; children are the most generous subjects; I am kind and patient with them, and love them, and in exchange they gift me with their beautiful little uninhibited spirits that are always so raw in emotion. The most difficult part of my job is waiting for parents to find that abandon while in front of the camera. It's a real treat when while waiting, I finally catch that moment when a parent forgets about me for a split second and just feel the moment they're in with their child. Much like this one, with Jeremy and Sally.

I had a fantastic session with Sally and Nina at High Park. My favorite part by far was winning over Sally, who was soooo shy when she first saw me she could barely bring herself to look at me. By the end of the session, she was glued to my leg and wanted to stay at the park and play. How does my heart not explode when these things happen??