Sunday, July 06, 2008

No Auditions Here!

Someone told me the other day that my clients are so beautiful they look as though they were all auditioned! I guess I am lucky I get to photograph such lovely babies and kids... but really, aren't all children gorgeous?

Ciara's little ones were no exception to this assumption; look at them! They're so perfect.

I *adore* this shot... hee hee! It's an armful of crabbies! This is one of those shots I'm going to love to death and which will most likely get left in the dust. It's funny how smitten I am with the photographs I take of children when they're, how shall I say, not so happy? I keep wondering if this is something that will change when I have my own kids and also may not want to be reminded of the sour moments. I don't know... it's doubtful! I just can't resist the honesty in a shot like this!