Thursday, July 24, 2008

Soul Candy

I had a bad day two days ago that put a damper on my mood and bled into yesterday and stuck around still early this morning. But then Mylah came over, and I've had a smile on my face since she left!

Danielle and Roger came to me months ago and gave me this money shot that I adore to this day:

I was more than pleased to see them today because after our maternity session, they moved to Ottawa and off my radar, I'd thought, possibly for good. I don't know if they made the trip for me, but I'm glad they made it period because meeting Mylah was an absolute treat. I'm really crazy about alot of these shots...

This little rat-tail is completely for real! When they came in I thought "Oh my goodness, why would anyone give their baby a rat tail!?" but when I laughed Danielle pointed out that it's just the way Mylah's hair grew in, and that she was dying to cut it off but Roger forbade her to. Thank goodness!! What a cute shot.